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Personal Experience

Each child who comes to camp has a story, some more noticeable than others. Some of the children are either withdrawn or in your face, compliant or aggressive, or merely hungry for love and attention. Some are suspicious, demanding, skeptical, rebellious, sexually awakened, disillusioned, and scared to show how much they long for acceptance.

They feel guilt for crimes they have not committed or were forced to be apart of, shame for the secrets that have been revealed, responsible for family break-ups and bewilderment at the shattering of their world. Almost all of these children long for the parents that they have been taken from, regardless of what the parent has done, he is still Dad, she is still Mum. Many of these children find at Kids Camps New Zealand, a haven - an opportunity to succeed.

Most of all, they find acceptance without any strings, love without any reciprocal gratification expected, and an atmosphere of family.

Tessa (11) arrived at camp as a very withdrawn and sad looking girl. At the girls tea party on Thursday she blossomed, and looked so happy as she realised that she is a beautiful young lady, and her confidence had grown as she achieved success at the challenging activities. A year after camp her caregiver told a staff member that she still talks about that camp, and it was a significant time for her as she doesn´t usually get to go on camps. Every child can find their worth and develop confidence when provided with the right environment.

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